Current projects

Creation of conditions for new traffic connection with E-75 through completion of annex to the interchange – financed by the municipality of Demir Kapija and Center for the Vardar Planning Region

Improving the quality of life in the settlements in the municipality of Demir Kapija – UNDP

Construction of two branches of fecal sewerage in the village of Chiflik – Demir Kapija – financed by the Ministry of Environment

Improvement of the existing public water supply system in the village of Korešnica for the construction of a new reservoir of 200m3

Improving living conditions through the promotion of the environment – financed by the Bureau for Balanced Development

EU CAN – Europe for citizens

Improving living conditions by improving the environment – Finished by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Skopje

Reconstruction and upgrading of the Cultural Center in Demir Kapija – financed from the budget of the Municipality of Demir Kapija and funds from the IPA grant

Construction of the square of the city of Demir Kapija – financed by the Budget of the Municipality of Demir Kapia with funds from Agency for financial support in agriculture and rural development

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