Department for General and Legal Affairs

The Department for General and Legal Affairs performs the activities related to:

– preparation of acts for the Council and the Mayor;

– preparation of plans and regulations within the competence of the Council and the Mayor;

– preparation of sessions of the Council and sessions of its permanent and temporary committees;

– preparation and submission of materials and records for court proceedings in which the municipality is a plaintiff and a defendant;

– it represents the municipality after prior authorization from the Mayor to the courts and other state bodies of the Republic of Macedonia;

– Handling and keeping documents of the municipality until their destruction, that is, handing over the State Archive of the Republic of Macedonia;

– works in the field of public activities, culture, education, social protection, child protection and other activities determined by law and act of the municipality;

– performs the activities related to informing the citizens about the easier realization of their rights;

– perform organizational and administrative work for the Council and the Mayor;

– protection and maintenance of the building of the bodies of the municipality and other property;

– office and archival work;

– regulation of property and legal relations;

– preparation and issuing an official messenger of the municipality of Demir Kapija;

– as well as other matters that will be placed under his authority by an act of the Council or the Mayor of the municipality.

Contact person:

Juliana Gaceva tel. 072-315-346


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